
How can Reiki help with Cancer

Relief when dealing with Cancer


As more and more medical centers worldwide use complementary therapies as Reiki on cancer patients -Hoag Hospital in Newport beach has a formal Reiki Program for cancer patients- and research studies are being conducted some generalizations can be made:


Reiki may improve depression and anxiety, and support a sense of well-being. Reiki sessions may significantly improve pain, anxiety, depression, nausea and fatigue.


Undergoing a cancer diagnosis and having to navigate the health system may be a daunting task to say the least. Reiki brings the feeling of being cared for and nurtured. 


I am a volunteer with LifeSpark which is an organization based in Colorado, USA that links cancer patients with Reiki and Healing Touch providers. We give one-hour Reiki sessions once a week for 8 weeks.Since the pandemic these sessions are being held remotely and now practitioners from various different states are able to participate.


“A blanket of calm would fall over me and I would relax.My mind would clear. The pain in my limbs diminished”

“My LifeSpark provider did not see me as a person with cancer. She saw me as a whole “

“I look forward to my sessions every week with Zoila. She is so wonderful. I feel so relaxed by the end of each session, even falling asleep sometimes. I have noticed gentle sensations in my body (related to the areas that are causing me issues) letting go and feeling better after my sessions. I sincerely appreciate having this opportunity.” S.M.


The statements above come from cancer survivors.


I was fortunate enough to be attuned to the Master Reiki Level by Kerri Draper, a Reiki Master who is a cancer survivor herself and has a foundation called Reiki4cancer. She has made it her mission to connect cancer patients with reiki resources.


During my Reiki journey I have been able to help cancer patients, some of them family members. The sessions among other things have helped them come to term with the diagnosis and ease the transition. I was honored to be part of the process which sometimes helped me send them the message that they were not alone but extremely loved and waited for by deceased loved ones since that was revealed during the sessions.


The following link is takes you to  an article written by Pamela Miles RMT who has practiced Reiki in formal medical settings. If you want to know more of the practice in those settings invite you to read the well written information




Zoila is a Clinical Pharmacist, Reiki Master Teacher ( RMT) and Reflexologist who lives in Southern California.