About Zoila Thaliffdeen


In 2014, while seeking relief for a long standing shoulder pain that would not resolve with conventional therapy, I decided to try Reiki. My cousin, a Reiki Master, sent me five distance sessions all the way from Peru to California–and to my surprise, the pain went away!

Several years later with the intention of helping others find relief like I did I took classes to learn the practice.

What I didn’t know at the time was that Reiki would completely change my life.

Practicing Reiki, I have never felt happier or healthier and I would love for you to experience similar results.

I have now completed all levels of the Usui reiki system including Reiki Master Teacher (RMT), obtained certification in Oncology Reiki, Animal Reiki and Kundalini Reiki. I include essential oils, crystals and sound therapy in my sessions as needed.

I studied Reflexology in Lima, Peru, where I learned the system used at Centro de Reflexoterapia founded by Sister Jeanne Cattin, spc and continue to deepen my knowledge of this amazing therapy currently following the principles I learn from the Kruchik Method of Reflexology and the Ingham Method of Reflexology. I trained with Bobbie Warren and obtained a certification as a practicing Reflexology from the International Institute of Reflexology in 2023.


Zoila Thaliffdeen was born in Lima Peru, graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Lima and practices  as a Clinical Pharmacist at a major hospital in Southern California. She is married to Feroze (Frank), a native of Sri Lanka and has 2 grown up children. When she is not working, doing Reiki or Reflexology  she gardens, tends to her chickens, cooks, runs, swims and bikes. She embraces cultural diversity and has traveled with her family back to Peru, Sri Lanka, U.A.E., Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Mexico and Europe. She loves to learn new techniques to enhance  her therapy sessions and uses  essential oils, crystals and sound therapy.

She frequently participates in events at local hospitals sharing Reiki and volunteers in long distance events sharing Reiki with cancer patients and others.

Member of Life spark cancer resources which connects cancer patients with Reiki and Healing Touch services www.lifesparknow.org 

Member of the IARP (International Association of Reiki Practitioners).

Member of San Diego Reiki Corps

Member of the reflexology Association of California

Member of the International Institute of Reflexology