FAQ’s Reiki


Zoila sent me  distance Reiki treatment which helped me break down mental barriers to loose weight. She shared a  vision she had of me during the session dancing in a white dress with flowers and I looked at her and was like “no, I’d never wear white with flowers, that would make me look even fatter”, at the time I wore only black. I’ve now lost close to 50 pounds. K.B. Atlanta, GA

  • What is Reiki?

Reiki is a technique developed in Japan that promotes the healing of mind, body and spirit through the dynamic transmission of universal energy. This  energy  raises the body’s vibration while quieting the mind and allowing the parasympathetic state to take over stimulating the immune system to improve physical, mental and emotional health. Since this therapy is gentle and non-invasive  it makes it a safe complement to traditional medical treatments, as well as an effective and beneficial practice in itself.

  • What is a session like?

 In a Reiki session, you will lie fully clothed on your back on  a massage table. Soft music will be played which helps the recipient rewatch a deep relaxation and release. The hands of the practitioner are  gently placed on the body where appropriate or just above the body in the energetic field. The complete person is treated instead of just specific areas of the body.

  • What will I feel?

You may experience physical sensations i.e.  -Heat/warmth/cold -Tingling sensations -Emotional response -Seeing colors -A sense of peace and well-being -Deep relaxation -Connection with a loved one. You may not experience any of that and still benefit from the session as each session is unique. I recommend that you let go of any expectations or outcomes and just try to relax and enjoy the Reiki flow!


  • How often should I receive treatment?

The frequency of sessions that is right for you depends on your health needs and concerns. Issues may be resolved in one session. However, if you have long standing emotional, spiritual and physical issues, a series of sessions may be needed. Contact me or come for a session and we can discuss a plan that fits your schedule and goals. There are packages available for those who wish to schedule a series of sessions.

  • What are common uses for Reiki?

Reiki helps to: -Reduce tension and pain -Balance the mind and emotions -Release negative emotions and stress -Accelerate recovery from surgery and illnesses -Promote deep relaxation -Stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms -Serve as a relaxing and effective preventative practice to support and maintain health

  • How do Distance Reiki sessions work?

Remote  Reiki sessions are an option for people who aren’t able to come to my studio due to health concerns, schedule conflicts, distance  or other personal issues. At the start of the session, I will call you and discuss your concerns and intentions. Then you will  find a comfortable place to lie down and I will begin sending Reiki energy to you for the duration of the appointment time. At the end of the session, I will call you to talk about your session. Maybe this sounds a little wild to you? The mechanisms of this practice are related to Quantum Physics. I’ve done distance sessions with results that are equally as powerful as those experienced in person. It’s truly amazing and fascinating!