Reiki room


  • Reiki One hour in-person sessions $60  (Discount packets available)
  • Reiki Distance sessions via Zoom or phone $45 (Discount packets available)
  • Reiki for pets/animals $25 per session
  • Reiki for Pregnancy $150 packet of 3 sessions
  • Reflexology  One hour in-person session $60,  Reflexology Distant session $45
  • Reflexology for Pregnancy- it is recommended to have a session weekly until the third trimester when the sessions should be done twice a week $60/session, $150/3 sessions
  • Combination of Reiki and Reflexology $75 for a one and a half session in person


Kind words:

My experience with Reiki Master Zoila has been more than great. Having to work from home sitting for long hours has impacted my lower back and my sciatic pain came back to the point that I was not able to sleep through the night. It hurt when I turned and got out of bed. 

Zoila performed distance Reiki, since I live in Florida. During the first session I felt her warmth and the healing of her hands on my lower back, the next day I slept with no pain. This is amazing!  We have done a few more sessions and I have learned from my experience with Zoila that Reiki not only can heal the body but also the Spirit. 

Zoila, thank you for your Faith in healing and for sharing it with me.


“I was skeptical at first about doing sessions over zoom, but I have felt each session as if I was there. It has helped ease physical discomfort. But also opened my eyes that you don’t have to see something for it to work.”

“I would not have done Reiki if it were not for this opportunity.  Because of Covid, LifeSpark was available to a cancer patient in Connecticut.  Lucky me!  It has been a weekly boost of energy I look forward to.”

“I love the convenience of virtual sessions, and have noticed a dramatic improvement in my physical symptoms and mental health.”

Cancer patients testimonies on distant sessions